Friday, May 16, 2014

Starting Deathwing

First time painting these guys...I actually cant remember the last time I was so excited to paint a squad of marines!  I've always loved Terminators...from the first time playing on the kitchen floor with my friends, Ive always had to have Tactical Dreadnought Armor everywhere.  (Of course it didnt hurt that back then it was a 3+ ...on 2d6!....strength modifiers lowered it etc, but it was awesome).
I've always loved how the Deathwing looked, but early on I saw white dwarf 98 and Ultramarines became the coolest thing ever to me!

So there was no way I could stray from the codex and paint my 1st company white.  Well, now that Im a 40K hipster and can't bring myself to play UM anymore (haha...I liked them before they were cool ;) and believe it or not, they didnt used to be the gw marine posterboys...Crimson Fists and Blood Angels were both the first chapters I remember on the rulebook covers) of course now I get to paint the cool bone-white Terminators.
Wow, that was a long-winded way of saying, heres the first WIP shot.  (I realized I forgot to drill one of the storm bolter barrels...whoops, Ill fix that)

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